New arrivals!

02nd March 2016

Well March is here, Spring is in the air and it’s all go at the moment in the Boutique & Tea Room. We are receiving new deliveries of our 2016 Spring / Summer Collections every other day, which is keeping us busy checking off stock, uploading to the website, rearranging the shop and following up with promotion. So far the collections are being very well received and our customers are really enjoying seeing all the colourful rails. Already we have received clothing from Frank Lyman, James Lakeland, Sally New York, Eleonora Amadei, Darling and today our Marble Daywear collection is arriving. New in for this SS16 season we are introducing Pomodoro – a fabulous daywear collection at fantastic prices! It is a really easy to wear collection and so far it’s had the thumbs up from all of our customers.

Beau Boutique is off to our first fashion show of 2016, which is being held at the beautiful Pentille Castle. For these type of events we usually have 5/6 models of various shapes and sizes, each wearing 4 or 5 outfits, ranging from daywear to occasionwear. They are always great fun and it is a lovely way to get the shop out and about and noticed. Beau will also have a stand with a small selection of stock available to purchase on the day. So this week we will be organising the runway list and fitting all the models with there outfits – which is always a good laugh.

Remember it’s Mother’s Day this weekend (Sunday March 6th!) and we are running a ‘Like & Share’ competition on our facebook page, to be in with a chance of winning a High Tea for 2 in our Tea Room – the winner will be drawn on Friday March 4th.

Finally Yelverton has seen some sunshine after about 3 months of what seemed like constant rain! So the Tea Room has been extra busy with lots of people popping in for lunch and drinks after a good walk on the moors. We are based right on the edge of the moors, so Beau Tea Room is a welcome sight for the weary walker

Right I better go an unpacked some boxes and make room on the rails. Remember keep checking the website to see all of our new collections

Bye for now, Fi x

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