Party Prep & Changing Weather!

25th November 2015

November has been rather wet, windy and unseasonably warm this year, but it’s been all change this week! Dartmoor had its first hard frost when the temperatures dropped just below and the gritter’s were out in force for the first time this winter! This AW15 Beau are stocking a fabulous range of hats from Failsworth, Pia Rossini & Crush. We have plenty of gloves and scarves too. And not forgetting a good winter jumper or cardie to help keep you warm this winter, all here at Beau.

Today all the staff at Beau are preparing for our Thanksgiving Birthday Party. Beau Boutique opened its doors 8 years ago, so we have decided to coincide our celebrations with the start of the festive shopping season. We will be clearing the shop window and creating our very own winter wonderland to welcome all of our customers in to the Boutique tomorrow. Lots of fabulous discounts and offers to tempt everyone and a wonderful raffle in aid of Pancreatic Cancer. There will be a selection of festive nibbles and Winter Pimms on offer too

Look forward to seeing you all on Thursday November 26th, 2-7pm

Fiona x

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