Summer SALE starting this week!

18th July 2016

So the countdown has begun! Only 2 days left until we officially launch our Summer Sale event here at Beau.

Tuesday will be a very busy day prepping the shop ready for opening on Wednesday. With fantastic savings to be made; up to 50% off all of our designer ranges, including Frank Lyman, James Lakeland, Pomodoro, Darling, Eleonora Amadei, Marble, Sally New York, Rever Mile and more. It’s not hard to understand why this is our most popular event in the Beau calendar.

Not only are there fabulous discounts on the clothing, footwear, jewellery and accessories and gifts, we will be serving Pimms and Strawberries from 1pm.

We can’t wait to open the doors! See you all here at Beau on Wednesday July 20th from 10am

Fiona XXX

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