Beau Xmas Opening Hours 2023

10th December 2020

Open Tuesday 19th onwards through till Friday 22nd December 10-5pm

Saturday 23rd December Open 10-3pm (Please note reduced hours)

Closed Sunday 24th Xmas Eve, 25th Xmas Day, 26th Boxing Day, Wednesday 27th, and Thursday 28th December

Reopening Friday 29th December 10-4pm

Open Saturday 30th December 10-4pm

January Normal trading times from Wednesday 3rd January 10-5pm resumes….

Wishing you all a fabulous Xmas and Happy New Year 2024.

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One thought on “Beau Xmas Opening Hours 2023”

  1. Laura says:

    Hi Fiona

    Writing my Xmas cards and thought of you. Have you moved house, as I didn’t hear from you last year?
    Tried phoning but phone rang out.
    I like the website – it all seems to be going ok.
    Love, Laura (Nelson) xx

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